Wednesday, March 11, 2015

X Company 1.04 Sixes & Sevens

X Company 1.04 Sixes & Sevens
Now I never knew transferring human packages to and from the border was part of the job. I guess it makes sense when people smuggle folks in and out of danger? A musician is a good disguise, but she's likely to get investigated for being an entertainer if she expresses a interest in politics.

Aurora finally warmed up to Alfred! I think it's sweet they exchanged their hidden talents. I want something to happen between the two, Aurora deserves to move on and be happy with her life. I think this is the stepping stone for them to be something other than colleagues in the field. I'm optimistic with these two =)

Imagining what Harry went through (while the rest were together) was terrible. Tending to a pregnant woman injured in a bombing showed real heroism as an individual. I was surprised to see the humanity in the soldiers in the end who gave him a ride to the monastery. Very emotional and heart-wrenching. This is just one of many families that were torn apart by this war, and one undercover spy made all the difference in this.

I can't believe there's a spy in the camp! Sinclair has to watch out since his information is going to fall into the wrong hands. I'm still going with my idea of Alfred's jail cell scene, the blue wash imagery and Aurora's face is all presently happening. What if Duncan Sinclair's mission slip up and get Alfred captured? I keep going with this idea hoping it's correct. If it's Alfred's past, it doesn't make sense to have Aurora's face constantly in fading in and out the blue wash. I am fully running with my theory!!

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