Thursday, March 26, 2015

Arrow 3.17 Suicidal Tendencies

Arrow 3.17 Suicidal Tendencies
Only got to catch last night's episode today since I caught Survivor live on television.

I didn't think Cupid would return for the Suicide Squad mission! Poor Diggle gets his honeymoon ruined by a corrupt politician trying to get ahead in the polls. I'm also unsure Diggle means it when he says he will quit Team Arrow. I can't see him not by Oliver's side. Then again, Roy just joined the team as Arsenal and they keep accumulating now that Laurel takes the place as Black Canary 2.0 =/ I don't want Diggle to leave the show, that's all.

I knew Floyd must've had a tragic backstory to build up why he became Deadshot. It's a good one too, the classic kind where he couldn't cope with reuniting a family relationship after the war. It isn't his fault either, he just wasn't ready to let go of the skills and experiences he was familiar with for so long. A new environment is scary, so he took the offer in what he's comfortable with.

So Ray's suit got working and now him and Oliver are on opposite ends of the fence. Oliver knows Felicity made her choice, but Ray is just being the jealous boyfriend for no apparent reason. He really has noting to worry about, Felicity is faithful!

As much as I like Felicity and Oliver together, I'll always support Felicity. She also makes her cameo on The Flash through the season, which makes her a dominant female character =)

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