Sunday, March 15, 2015

Once Upon a Time 4.15, The Walking Dead 5.14

Once Upon a Time 4.15 Enter the Dragon
I'm glad with this change in Maleficent's backstory! Having her pregnant right before Regina casted the curse on the Enchanted Forest is an excellent opener to her reasons of anger. Snow looks vengeful but protective of her family for the time being. Glad the writers were creative with this storyline! I thought that at first Snow/Mary-Margaret and David committed bad magic to save the kingdom, but baby-for-baby makes more sense. It will be interesting to see what Maleficent wants to do in Storybrooke, especially since she's wedged between the heroes and villains.

Colin O'Donoghue is a great actor! He played Rumplestilskin's character very well in his own skin. It's interesting Rumplestilskin decided on THAT character to impersonate just to get close to Belle and the dagger. I wonder if he will do it again, but that will mean Killian will take a step back in being present around Storybrooke.

The Walking Dead 5.14 Spend
I can't get over what Glenn and Rick are going through, so that's what my entire review will center upon.

Glenn witnessed the true colours of the cowards that fight for Alexandria. All selfish and leave their own behind. This is what separates themselves from Rick's group. There's an actual bond, real relationships formed, between the group. They always stand up for each other by any means necessary. They're also logical, not like the folks in Alexandria. As much as congresswoman wants a community built on trust, it's not happening with all these holes found within the characters.

Now to Rick's surprise visit from creepy husband Paul. You don't bring up somebody's dead wife with alcohol in hand, just a big NO! After Rick let him out and started fiddling with his wedding ring =( Of course he's hurt by Lori's death, but he ain't broken! Rick had to fight to get to where he is. If not for himself, for Carl, Judith and the sake of the group's survival. Without a doubt, he's devoted. Carol finding out Paul is abusing his wife and son is huge game changer. This will be the start of something big if Rick decides to take control of Alexandria.

Two episodes left and I can only imagine more action to come! Sad Noah got killed off this soon, but I saw his leg as a setback from moving quickly with the rest of the group. I wonder if Glenn will bring up the fighter's cowardice to Rick (I'm sure he will).

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