Sunday, March 22, 2015

Once Upon a Time 4.16 Poor Unfortunate Soul

Once Upon a Time 4.16 Poor Unfortunate Soul
I like the story of young Ursula, she used to be on The Following. Her rare gift (soothing song voice) as a weapon is kind of like Ariel. It makes sense that it's similar with all mermaids, how they act as a siren. Killian genuinely wanted to help her though the whole time. He was actually going to get Ursula where she wanted to be without question, even before Poseidon tried to bribe him with another deal.

I also thought King Poseidon was Ariel's father as well, so I'm really confused. If Ariel came to and from the realms, she's a fast swimmer! Thank goodness she made an appearance to help save Killian in Storybrooke.

Really love that August is back, but I wonder if he'll remain this way. I like him better as an adult but I hope Rumplestilskin doesn't ruin everything as always. He was very helpful in the end with assisting with the page. I thought the door would've been physically in the library or Regina's house, but if the author is stuck inside, it very well could be an adult/future Henry (I'm still sticking with this theory).

Killian finally confessed he's found his happy ending, but it may not be good enough to bring Emma out of darkness with Rumple gets his hands on her =/

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