Monday, March 2, 2015

The Following 3.01 New Blood

The Following 3.01 New Blood
I can't trust anyone that gets too close to Ryan. I really don't believe anybody's good intentions for him, especially with how many times he's been thrown under the bus and taken advantage of because of what he's done and what he's been through.

I want to trust his new partner, but I think that we've seen enough to know anybody, with the exception of his niece Max, has screwed him over. Speaking of Max, I wish she'd take back Mike. I think he's been lost since his father died and he killed Lily Gray. I know he isn't in the right mindset at the moment, but I think Max can bring him back.

Mark has created a whole new following all of a sudden! He basically hijacked Joe Caroll's cult and created his own. He's going to slip up, I'm sure of it. I don't think he has it in him to be a solid killer with his schizophrenic behaviour interfering with his choices. I also don't like the couple following him around like pet dogs. They said they have their own agenda, so my guess is they want to take over the cult themselves? They appear to be on the run so they probably aren't who they say they are.

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