Monday, March 16, 2015

The Following 3.03, Bates Motel 3.02

The Following 3.03 Exposed
I don't trust Gwen! Moving in with Ryan is way too big of a step. Ryan wants a comfort zone, so he tries to keep her close.

Max and Mike are stronger together, especially since they successfully caught that killer together. Max has more fire, but I think her new boyfriend Tom may be her weakness. I think he also may be involved with the crazy couple, Kyle and Daisy. Tom had impeccable timing when Max was about to enter her apartment. (Can you tell I don't trust anyone new in this show?) He could be an extra player in Mark's plan to get to Ryan.

Mark is picking off the FBI one by one, and Max might be the first of the trio to go. If Tom has something to do with this, Mike may have his head for this.

Bates Motel 3.02 The Arcanum Club
Norma is so annoying. How is it that she and Sheriff are on an intimate basis? Romero is such a good guy, I wonder why he's always putting up with Norma. She's going to weaken him since they've both been covering up for Norman. Romero needs to see the light, and quick! His job needs to be straight, and involving himself with Norma is going to taint his reputation as the town's sheriff.

Norma is suffocating and suppressing Norman's condition. Covering up everything isn't going to be enough anymore; look her dead body is in the lake now! Somebody will find the dead prostitute and it will tie back to Norman somehow. I wonder if Norman drowned her because he couldn't have run her over, especially since she's undressed.

Dating Emma may occupy his extra time, but she may be next if she's not careful. I know with the homeschooling and time spent at the motel, that leaves a very small window for Norman to be alone. I think the only sane one in all of this is Dylan, but his crazy father (and now neighbour from south of the hill) is pulling him away from home. I think Dylan and Emma are the only ones who can "save" whatever is left of Norman's humanity. Hopefully they're not sacrificed for a lost cause.

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