Monday, March 30, 2015

The Night Shift 2.06, The Following 3.05, Bates Motel 3.04

The Night Shift 2.06 Need To Know

[[I'm not sure if an episode was skipped by the network station, but according to IMDB, this was scheduled as next week's episode.]]

We get to meet Ragosa's wife and daughter and learn he's been hiding about his new position. It's understandable, especially when somebody steps down from a hire spot in the ER. It's sweet though his daughter takes an understanding to what her dad went through and how he feels more fulfilled learning and helping people.

T.C.'s life is getting messier. His sister-in-law is an anchor weighing him down with her addiction problems. He lives by a solid code though, which is you never turn your back on family. I'm afraid this isn't enough to justify her actions. She just keeps running away from them, refusing whatever help T.C. tries to offer. You either get help and get better or you stay in the rut you're stuck in.

Jordan is a good person though for never throwing it in T.C.'s face all that she's done in the past while T.C. served abroad. She really does have a heart of gold, and I'm glad Gwen stepped in and made it clear all that Jordan's been through for the sake of their relationship. Now that Jordan is pregnant, I'm hoping this introduces a more exciting storyline throughout the show.

Kenny looks like he made it clear to Krista where they stand, I just hope they can be friends. What's more awkward than breaking up with someone you have to work with?

The Following 3.05 Reunion
I'm liking the continuity from last week's episode into this one. Leaving off right where Ryan visited Joe in prison.

Strauss is FINALLY dead. I didn't think it would happen that quickly, but it looks like his "best student" is getting a prominent role in the show. Daisy can't possibly get far with her face plastered everywhere on the news. She can't survive now that Strauss isn't around to protect her. The character was getting tiring though, like how I felt with Emma in the previous two seasons. 

Max and Tom's relationship better be over soon. He's spying on her with the laptop, talk about broken trust in the relationship. Also, is Max a bad cop for not noticing all these hidden cameras in her apartment? Maybe a bad investigator, she is FBI after all.

Ryan's Gwen is rubbing me off the wrong way now. Too many questions, all at the worst times when he needs to relax. If he gives away too much, she's either next to throw him under the bus.

Bates Motel 3.04 Unbreak-Able
I wonder what's on the USB Annika left for Norma. Obviously it has to do with the Arcanum Club, but maybe it's all the dirty-laundry secrets of the town? Otherwise, the president of the club wouldn't have been so concerned ransacking the motel for it.

Dylan looks really hurt that Norman would sell him out so quick about harvesting Caleb at his place. It's not by choice, but he finally has a proper mother-son relationship with Norma. That's really all he's reached for growing up. Only learning what Caleb did to her did he learn why he was always treated differently apart from Norman. I think Dylan and Norma only started being civil to one another in the middle of season one when he found out something was psychologically wrong with Norman. Norma trusted the secret with Dylan, and since then they've grown with their relationship.

Norman is getting too attached to his mom. His goal is always to please her or seek approval. It's not normal, but it may be his subconscious trying to please the bad version of his mom that tells him "he did nothing wrong" every time he goes into his dark place. Also with Sheriff Romero paying frequent visits to the motel, he's not far off from finding the truth. This show is getting much darker as we go along, I hope we reach a conclusion with Norman's condition by the end of the finale. Really tired of waiting around like this!

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