Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Arrow 3.15, X Company 1.02

Arrow 3.15 Nanda Parabat
Thea feels better about clearing her conscious to Laurel, but it's a bit of a stretch letting Nyssa know she can get an eye for an eye revenge on her.

I didn't think Oliver would be offered a spot in the league of assassins, let alone become a potential new leader. For the sake of his sister and Starling City, I don't think he's going to take it. Especially with Diggle, Felicity and Roy (and I guess now Laurel) as his team, they wouldn't want him to go dark side.

Ray accomplished to get his suit working! It's a good thing to Felicity finally said something about him. I want her to be happy, whether it is with Oliver or Ray I don't care anymore. She does so much and is underrated in so many ways that it upsets me. I think she's more hardcore than Laurel in a sense that she's stable and doesn't have to blame past situations on emotions and do the annoying self-pity-whine-fest through her life. Don't get me wrong, I really like Katie Cassidy, (my personal favourite was her as Ruby 1.0 in Supernatural) but as Laurel, I've never been able to warm up to the character. I think it's the character itself, not Katie at all.

Overall, I don't think Thea is going to die. If Oliver is considered as a league member, Thea just can't die!

X Company 1.02 Trial by Fire
Hugh Dillon is the man!! I hope this whole show changes the dynamic of the role Canadians played during WWII. This episode basically demonstrates what the members of the team have to do, whatever it takes to get the job done for the greater good. I want Aurora to get a dominant role, since she's the only main female character here.

I think the part Tom played was difficult, since he was the one putting the lives of everybody else over morals. In the end, he admitted he lied to the young boy and mom about what he said earlier to get rid of the stepfather. Tom was alone and needed to make a choice. With his injured leg, there were only a number of ways he could come out of the barn alive before the team got back to him.

I have a feeling the flashbacks of Alfred in jail are where is now in present time. All that we are seeing now with the episodes already happened, and Alfred gets captured? I know priority is to get him out of danger and make sure he never gets taken. He's the asset with the brilliant mind and most information that can be used against them. What if the team failed and Alfred got separated from the team? It's just an idea I have because they keep flashing in and out with him in the jail cell. I very much like where it's going, but I think it'll be interesting if it take a surprise turn with the jail cell flashbacks/flashforwards.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Sleepy Hollow 2.18 Tempus Fugit

Sleepy Hollow 2.18 Tempus Fugit
This was a great season finale!

I think Katrina's anger has strung on way too long. Her character hasn't had much purpose, but it also dragged along with her uncertainty as Ichabod's wife. It got messy with Abraham in the mix and putting Jeremy ahead of everything. She just needed to go and I'm glad it happened at last.

I actually wanted Nick to be back in the end with the group as well, but you can't have everything.

If Ichabod and Abby are able to surpass time, I think they'll be the ones saving sleepy hollow for any future war to come. SO HAPPY Frank is back to normal, we need another normal ex-cop on Abby's side.

Happy it wasn't an open-ended finale, but a proper send off into the next season if they choose to write for another =)

The Night Shift 2.01 Recovery

The Night Shift 2.01 Recovery
I'm so happy this show is back! I forgot why T.C. got suspended but picked up after he had his panic attack in the OR for the season finale. I'm really glad Topher is alright now and back working the night shift with the team.

I don't like T.C. tiptoeing around the place as if he doesn't belong. Everybody calls for T.C., they know he's the one who knows what to do. His suspension better be lifted by the next episode. He likes to be the one to kick ass and save lives, total adrenaline junkie indeed! What he did for his friend's surgery was so nice. He loves his motorcycle but did the honourable deed and saved a friend's life.

Where's Landry? She looks like she was written off the show and replaced with the new emergency paramedic Gwen. I like her but at least say something about Landry; she played a great role with the team and was inbetween T.C. and Ragosa. She was also the psych in the department, never did get a replacement for her.

I am glad we have Joey (also known as Delko from those CSI: Miami days) on the team as a fun character. I would hope for more female characters to be a part of this show, but I like Adam Rodriguez as an actor!

Pretty stoked Ragosa quit and is considering working the floor with the rest of the team. Maybe we can see a different side to him that isn't all management and money. When he said he refused to push paper and be hated, that totally speaks to people today with their happiness in general. A lot of people like to work in an environment for the money, but the most people nowadays prefer feeling more fulfilled and happy with what they do as opposed to how much they earn. Getting back to the show, I understand Ragosa's feelings with having a tumour scare and regaining his life back.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Walking Dead 5.11 The Distance

The Walking Dead 5.11 The Distance
I don't know if this guy is who he says he is. Rick has a right to be cautious, but of course as an audience we take the group's POV. It's good to add more people in, especially since people are surviving somehow in various locations.

Looks like Maggie and Sasha are in a trustworthy mood. I'd keep my guard up no matter what, but after what the whole group has endured, I feel they've endured way too much

"Just because we're good people, doesn't mean we won't kill you." Such a key statement from Rick I feel will resonate throughout the episode.

WHOA the hoard of walkers impounding the car, makes me question if that was a planned trap! The way the stranger answered Rick's three questions from Michonne... makes you 50/50 on your faith in him.

My stomach jumped a bit when Glenn was showing off his knowledge from Dale on the RV. I am so happy we got some real action and excitement out of this. I also completely forgot about the priest until the very end.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Arrow 3.14 The Return

Arrow 3.14 The Return
I've had mixed feelings with Laurel being the new Black Canary in this. Her father is ignoring her now and hates her for keeping Sarah's death a secret for so long. I don't see why they're avoiding each other. Emotionally, they cope the exact same way, they need each other's strength in this.

Finally, Thea sees the light! at least this way, she sees Malcolm Merlyn the way Oliver does. If they try to defeat Ra's al Ghul, I wonder if Thea will really cut Merlyn out of her life. Hoping she chooses Oliver over everything else thrown at them.

Really missed Felicity in this episode. I quite like a team episode with her, Roy and Diggle.

X Company 1.01 Pilot

X Company 1.01 Pilot
A well thought-out Canadian show (with actual Canadians) playing their roles in history! I only became aware of this show when I first saw the promos about a month or so ago. When I noticed a handful of my favourite Canadian actors on the list, they ultimately were my motivation to check it out.

We got to meet the main characters we'll be seeing through the series, and what they actually do with as young agents. They really do make a difference in the war but they're also forced to make tough calls most of the time.

I wonder if this show will stay consistent with running into the enemy, and seeing both good and evil on opposite sides of the team. The example of one of the German officers expressing his compassion towards the young girl, shows not all of them are bad. They're just caught on the wrong side taking orders from the wrong people. Human nature and common sense will come into play a lot, so I look forward to seeing more of this as the season goes on! Don't want to spoil this show but I like it when things look promising from Canadian producers!

Reign 2.15 Forbidden

Reign 2.15 Forbidden
Mary's mom is in and out of the picture, never consistent. I think I'd like her better if she was in the castle more often. She's be a good counterpart to Catherine since their goals are the same for their children. It's too bad she isn't a regular.

The Francis and Mary situation is getting old. I think cousin Conde is a good contender in here, but his brother Antoine is too much of an influence. Speaking of which, I wonder if Bash will take care of him from chasing after Kenna. I prefer Bash and Kenna because they're living a simpler life now and the only person making things complicated is Antoine.

Bash's heart will break again? Totally about Kenna or Francis from that gifted nun, I bet. I know the outcome will be a choice between the two.

I have no idea why it took this long, but I am glad Mary finally came out with her inner pain about when she got raped. It was traumatic and she was never able to say it out loud how violated she's felt ever since. I think women shouldn't feel ashamed about what's happened to them. Mary speaking up to her mother about how she feels and what she wants to do to stand up for herself is HUGE for all women to see and strengthen each other.

I understand everything in regards to politics, I hope that it continues on with women being strong for each other even in a patriarchal time period.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Flash 1.14 Fallout

The Flash 1.14 Fallout
That whole separation thing with Ronnie and Dr. Stein is more complicated than I thought. It's good that they're not "regulars" on the show anymore, only because I think it would be too complicated trying to focus on their research and saving the city at the same time.

Joe got to tell Barry what Cisco found in the blood splatter! Barry looked heartbroken coming back into his old home, but it's good he listened to people that genuinely care about him. I'm hoping Joe stays suspicious of Dr. Wells only because he's so close to getting most of the truth unveiled about Barry's mom. Barry looks determined to pursue the time travel anyway to save his mother, but if it was all set in stone, he's destined to alter his present reality involving his abilities.

I'm done with Iris and her nosey reporter job. She's become just an extra to me and her boss is making her into this snoop, hiring her only because of her blog on The Flash. Her character isn't my cup of tea anymore because she's always played this oblivious girl around Barry, but decided to pair up with Eddie. I don't have anything against Eddie, he's not a bad guy at all. But Iris makes it seem she can keep Barry on a hook even though she has a live-in boyfriend. I hope her role as a reporter doesn't dominate or else she's going to find out Barry's secret the hard (not to mention the obvious) way.

Monday, February 16, 2015

The Walking Dead 5.10 Them

The Walking Dead 5.10 Them
Sasha and Maggie look like they've reached breaking point. I understand the loss of their siblings brought their mood change, but Beth and Tyreese knew consequences of life and death. It was always survival of the fittest.

Daryl looks like he's trying to control his own pain now with the cigarette burns and straying alone from the group from time to time. I get that everybody is emotional because they keep losing people more than they are finding survivors.

It's insane how the three characters who tried to hold the barn together are the ones with emotional turmoil.

That ending was scary! I think we were all expecting Morgan to be the "friend" who left the water behind, but this clean cut gentleman shows up knowing Rick by name! I want to believe he's associated with Morgan against anything else. Maybe he even found the map left behind at the church where it had Morgan's original note, "The new world is going to need Rick Grimes."

I thought the episode began slowly, but the end with the music box saved it all for me.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Winter Freeze

Things have been difficult as of late with regards to my personal life. A close friend of mine underwent a surgery that has put her out for six weeks. In addition, my sister is ready to give birth the end of this month. I apologize for not properly posting but I will get back into it again. Hopefully, I won't have another unannounced hiatus as long as this!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Walking Dead 5.09 What Happened and What's Going On?

The Walking Dead 5.09 What Happened and What's Going On?
With the beginning of this episode, you really thought it was Beth getting buried. Didn't see the group losing another part of the team so soon!

I am sad to see Tyreese go so soon, but he served as a worthy group member. He wasn't always the obvious person to be the aggressive fighter, but he was the loyal one you could rely on. Also, following the prison attack from the governor, I remember he got the toughest job. He was the one separated with Judith, Mika and Lizzie. When Carol came along, Tyreese forgave everything that happened at the prison. It was all survival of the fittest and Tyreese just earned his way through as a permanent character.

The episode was very artistic and gave someone an alternative way to reach their peace. It was something nice and different to see.

I don't know why Glenn is having so many doubts now, but it could mean he is trying to separate himself? Wherever he goes, Maggie will follow. I just don't think he should start having angry thoughts.

Looks like Washington is back on the table! Good thing Michonne brought it back! I also hope Morgan can catch up soon to Rick and the group. He's very close, it's just a matter of time.

Am I the only one who sees the marked symbols on the trees? I thought it had something to so with the cannibals at Terminus. Then I thought maybe it had to do with something the reverend had done with locking people out of the church. I have a lot of ideas, but will have to see how this season goes.