Monday, February 24, 2014

Being Human 4.06 Cheater of the Pack

Being Human 4.06 Cheater of the Pack
Poor Josh. He feels guilty for cheating but it's not his fault with his wolf side taking over. It's not much of an excuse, but he's the nice one who will always be so hard on himself.

Mark the wolf pack leader is CRAZY. I don't understand why his temper is that of a real wolf, but he doesn't know anything. Nora found out in the worst way possible way; through somebody else. She fears Josh now because he can't control his inner wolf anymore. He's lying to himself on whether or not he is in control most of the time. On the other hand, his human is aching on the inside trying to conform back to normality.

I can't believe Aidan is trying to cleanse himself. I admire him for trying to follow through, but Suzanna isn't the best person to help. She's part of his past and knows his weakness. Some may think this is a good idea but the will be the downfall of each other. I'm happy Suzanna told the truth about Isaac. If she carried out her lie that Isaac died healthy and of old age, that would make her a hypocrite for not addressing her mistakes.

I didn't think Robbie would die! It was annoying for him to get back to Who controlled the water to electrocute him? I think it was Sally but she was off in the other time periods. Maybe it was the little girl from the 70's who did it? I'm confused, can't wait until next weekend though!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Back in a week!

I'm flying out to Las Vegas in the morning for a girlfriends trip :)

I'll come back with great pictures and memories of the Britney Spears show!! :D

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Walking Dead 4.10 Inmates

The Walking Dead 4.10 Inmates
Good news is we know everybody actually survived.
Now the bad news is this episode was pretty boring. Even with that ending, I don't care much for new characters coming in thew show.

Carol coming back was my favourite part! How she found Tyreese and those the girls, I will never know. She obviously knows Tyreese doesn't know about her killing Sasha. Then again, all of them are struggling and at the end of their patience to survive. Carol saved him just in time.

The rest of the episode was bland for me. Just another informative, filler episode this season.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Being Human 4.05 Pack It Up, Pack It In

Being Human 4.05 Pack It Up, Pack It In
I was expecting this reaction from Kat. She'd absorb it as a joke and soon have a freak out after he explains to her how serious he really is. Aidan really tried though! He wanted to make this relationship work, unlike how the other one fell apart. He really fought for Kat this time around because she was Nora's friend. Nora didn't like the first idea of the both of them, but suddenly warmed up to the idea as soon as Aidan proved he was in it for the long run.

I'm with Josh, do not trust this Mark character. He is totally overruling Josh with this alpha male demeanor, I wonder if he is the "leader" of their pack of wolves. Obviously he is judging vampires as a whole, but to be a jerk in Josh's house had nothing to do with him realizing a vampire lived under the same roof.

I couldn't stop laughing at Aidan and Kenny walking in and making their dance party entrance. Just the right amount of comic relief needed!

Sally looks like she can't control her powers anymore. I think she won't get stuck in a time period, but more on a plane parallel to present time. Kind of like how she started out at the start of the season, but an alternative reality. I wonder how much longer this will happen to her, it looks like she keeps slipping up.

I didn't think Josh and Nora would join the pack, but I guess it will give them a sense of belonging with their own werewolf species. Eventually, I think it will turn into the same situation as previous seasons where Josh and Nora see that it doesn't work. Josh can also control his wolf now, so it's different this time around. I just wonder what this change will bring.

The Walking Dead 4.09 After

The Walking Dead 4.09 After
Not going to lie, forgot half the stuff that happened at the end. As for the parts I did remember, it's all a matter of who survived with who and where they are now.

Headless Hershel was graphic, but reality. Losing a key member of the group happens, and Michonne is back to her way of surviving with camouflagr before she was introduced in the series.

Carl has grown up so much. Not just the actor, but his character. Learning to live and grow up in a zombie apocalyptic world. He's not living a life worth anything but he's taught to fight and survive.

Rick is breathing weirdly and it sounds like his diaphragm punctured. I'm so confused. This happens when there's a long hiatus in the middle of a show.

I was hoping there would be more of Michonne's past life but I am glad she reunited with Rick and Carl =D

I also can't believe chocolate pudding comes in a giant can in the States =O

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Reign 1.11 Inquisition

Reign 1.11 Inquisition
Looks like Francis has fled the palace grounds, possibly even France haha he must have refuge in a cabin somewhere. His absence has no significance to the latest in coming after Bash. I kind of think as a desperate plea to win Mary back, he might sick an assassin on Bash himself OR in a twist kill him at his own hand. (These are random thoughts of mine I need to get out of the way).

I am pleased they brought Nostradamus back (I thought he was done for with that stabbing) along with that excellent backstory. You could tell Clarissa had to be Catherine's abandoned daughter with the way Catherine kept finishing Nostradamus' sentences as he told her the story of why she lives in the castle. 

Mary looks like she's going out of her way for the baby. It's nice, shows common ground between her and Bash. On the one hand, a lot of Bash's past may be used against him to keep him from the throne. Bash could care less and I like he's honest about his feelings when it comes down to it. 

Mary should really think about who is guarding her bed chambers properly. Catherine barged in there like it was nothing. Guards, Mary almost died and you couldn't break down the door :/ confidence in the French guards doesn't sit well with me. 

I wish the station would air a preview of next week's episode! By the looks of the title "Royal Blood", I'm intrigued who they'll be talking about.