Monday, February 24, 2014

Being Human 4.06 Cheater of the Pack

Being Human 4.06 Cheater of the Pack
Poor Josh. He feels guilty for cheating but it's not his fault with his wolf side taking over. It's not much of an excuse, but he's the nice one who will always be so hard on himself.

Mark the wolf pack leader is CRAZY. I don't understand why his temper is that of a real wolf, but he doesn't know anything. Nora found out in the worst way possible way; through somebody else. She fears Josh now because he can't control his inner wolf anymore. He's lying to himself on whether or not he is in control most of the time. On the other hand, his human is aching on the inside trying to conform back to normality.

I can't believe Aidan is trying to cleanse himself. I admire him for trying to follow through, but Suzanna isn't the best person to help. She's part of his past and knows his weakness. Some may think this is a good idea but the will be the downfall of each other. I'm happy Suzanna told the truth about Isaac. If she carried out her lie that Isaac died healthy and of old age, that would make her a hypocrite for not addressing her mistakes.

I didn't think Robbie would die! It was annoying for him to get back to Who controlled the water to electrocute him? I think it was Sally but she was off in the other time periods. Maybe it was the little girl from the 70's who did it? I'm confused, can't wait until next weekend though!

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