Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Flash 1.15 Out of Time

The Flash 1.15 Out of Time
I really enjoy the diversity in this show. Starting with the captain of the police force being an openly, gay man. A man in power with a proud relationship shows so much strength and how much these old comic book hero stories are changing with the times. I'm proud of the writers of this show to express different relationships, both homosexual and interracial =)

Iris knows the truth about Barry's secret identity at last! I hope she'll react properly by the next episode. Barry is busy saving Central city, but there will be bigger problems once he returns to the lab.

Cisco's death is too much for me! I don't want him to go out this way, because Caitlin's going to be next to follow! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?! This season has plenty of episodes left, I don't want it just to be Caitlin and Barry alone in all of this! Dr. Wells is risking everything and at the same time exposing too much at once. Cisco was the brain behind most of the inventions and ideas for Harrison's work. I wonder why he would eliminate him so soon, especially since he could easily silence him.

I want Cisco to be saved, but I'm not sure if Dr. Wells pulled out his heart =/ I really don't want him to be gone, he was really fun in this show!

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