Monday, November 11, 2013

Once Upon a Time 3.07, The Walking Dead 4.05

Once Upon a Time 3.07 Dark Hollow
We finally have a crossover to Storybrooke!

I knew those two characters had to be Jonathan and Michael Darling! It makes a perfect sense with the a) English accents, b) the teddy bear hanging from the rear view mirror and c) manipulation under Peter Pan, who they said upfront they very well knew who they worked for. But now that we know who Peter stole Wendy and holds her captive, what was his motivation? He was always after Henry and formed the lost boys out of those who wanted to come along. Was Wendy supposed to play the mother role but changed her mind to go back home? I'm so confused why the shadow chooses who to take. This is exciting, I have many questions for this plot.

Captain Hook is really a hero in the group. I've said it before and I'll say it again, he's grown so much since we've first met him. Even before knowing his back story with his brother, his purpose and reason to do good has been for Emma and Henry. He's become so selfless and I want him to get back to Storybrooke with everybody else.

I really wonder where Prince Eric is in Storybrooke. Ariel deserves her happy ending already!
The Walking Dead 4.05 Internment
There's a lot going on in the prison, and I don't think anyone addressed the massive hole in the side of the building. We assumed it got sealed up once more people arrived, but I think that's one way intruders and walkers can still enter the place.

I feel the plot really needs to develop. With cutting Carol loose last week, I have complete faith she will return. I am not sure why Rick is so scared of Tyreese's reaction to finding out who killed the other two. I was surprised how Maggie was so on board with Rick's decision but I do understand with regards to a trust pact. You need to trust your people and not have them going off to make decisions without communicating them.

Daryl's reaction can be either one of two extremes: upset the kind of way he was with his Merle OR calm and passive about the entire idea. I could see him in a face off with Tyreese in the near future.
The ending seconds of the episode had me groaning. Do not want to see this character back in the picture!

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