Sunday, November 3, 2013

I love you Ama

I've recently been dealing with the loss of my grandma in the last week and it has been a difficult time at home. I'm trying to keep busy and distract myself as much as possible. This is the only way I know how to stay normal and control my emotions better than before.

I wasn't prepared or expecting this loss since I felt there was some progress in her health in the last month. But my grandma was in a lot of pain and suffered so much through the years. She broke her hip a couple years ago and following our last vacation in May 2012 to see her, she experience a stroke a week after. Later on came the hospital visits and the struggle. I'll always remember the time periods she would spend with us in Canada.

She was a big part in our day to day lives and there isn't one day I wouldn't think about her while back in the Philippines. As a family, we would call her and YeYe every month, every birthday, every holiday and even for no reason at all. Ama raised us, taught us and really was the best role model she could be to us.

I'm sad she has gone but she's at peace and more importantly, she knew we loved her.

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