Monday, October 21, 2013

The natural route

As most of you who know me in person, I've been living and dealing with eczema for over half my life. Since I was 11 years old, I've been ashamed and embarrassed of my skin.

Through the years it's been hard to find something that actually works and keeps my skin and allergies under control. I would constantly get steroid based ointments and creams prescribed for my eczema, which were all horrible for my immune system. My skin turned dependent on these creams and once my skin would temporarily heal, it wouldn't hold. Once I'd break out again, the ointments wouldn't work anymore on my body.

As I got older, I've had to watch the food I can have that won't aggravate my skin condition. It has been a challenge but I am getting a feel of this new way to help my body.

I stopped by a nutrition store this weekend and purchased a Pine Tar soap bar ($2.49 CAD). It helps heal eczema and I am hoping I see results this week as I use it. I know it won't be dramatic but I am hoping for consistancy in steady healing.

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