Thursday, October 17, 2013

Reign 1.01

Reign 1.01 Pilot
Oh my goodness. I am a sucker for period pieces. Costumes, TV shows, Films - all of it. I thought I would be over it after The Borgias and The Tudors but it's been a while since this particular era and genre has been done. My question is why does the French court all of English accents? Inaccurate, but I think the producers are more concerned with the audience understanding the dialogue.

The story is straight forward and I found the first few minutes absolutely addicting. The stunning scenery and dramatic opening reels you right into the story. When Reign was advertised for the past few weeks, I wasn't too keen. It was the same advertisement and it only looked like the typical historical storyline of the future king and queen. Once I found out Canadian actor Torrance Coombs (The Tudors) would be in it, I has to tune into the pilot.

What is with the bagged girl in the castle?! I'm positive it's not the man in the iron mask, so who is hiding in the shadows and corners of the castle? Obviously someone who is supposed to be hidden away, but I'm wondering what their relevance is to the royal family.

I expect the show to have more story development with all the secrets already shown in this pilot.

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