Monday, May 18, 2015

The Following 3.14, 3.15

The Following 3.14 Dead or Alive // 3.15 The Reckoning
It's the end of an era! I'm actually really sad to see this show come to an end as I've heavily supported it since the beginning. With that last scene as the ending, I feel this was wrapped up properly and completed. The ending really signified Joe Carroll's death meant Ryan Hardy's rebirth. Ryan is on top of trying to track the people who came after him, and made the decision to fake his death to save his family. This would have opened an amazing season four, but it looks like they've tied up all loose ends appropriately.

I was absolutely wrong with my presumptions of Gwen. She was a good thing for Ryan all along, and she was never a double agent to his life. She was finally a person someone he could live a normal life with and look forward to.

I'm happy Max was the one to take out Daisy. It was meant to happen since Mike was fighting for his life in the hospital and Ryan was tied up with Theo. Everyone has drawn blood, and I feel Max was the one person who never received justice for anything that's happened to her. Daisy also became insignificant once she separated from Mark last week.

It was pretty trippy to see FBI Lisa working with Eliza just to get ahead in her career. She guaranteed Ryan's life but she also needed Theo's body so she could win a promotion. Crooked cops annoy me so much (I an't wait for Rookie Blue to return this Thursday!) Her storyline was also completed to my satisfaction when Ryan squeezed all the information he could out of her until he had no use for her.

I think I wanted one last piece of Joe Carroll imagery to complete the finale. This show started with Joe and his Edgar Allan Poe worshippers, it ended with a darker and bolder Ryan Hardy. He's a fighter and he cut off the rest of his emotions (Mike and the family) to eliminate anything that may slow him down. Gosh, I really wish this got picked up for a fourth season! It would be such a good concept to see our protagonist turn into the predator for once.

Again, this was a wonderful TV show. I have nothing bad to say about the writers since they were very creative and consistent. A job well done with all the double agents, the satanic cult and just giving the extra edge needed in a suspenseful piece. It's been fantastic time watching The Following, I will miss my Halloween Mondays!

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