Monday, May 4, 2015

The Following 3.11, Bates Motel 3.09

The Following 3.11 Demons
WHOA Gwen just took off on Ryan! I can't say I didn't think it would happen. I know her character could've been somebody we couldn't trust or a bystander who gets in the way. Ever since Claire, it's hard to take anybody seriously as a potential partner for Ryan.

Tom just ruined everything by stealing the laptop to keep tabs on Max. It looked like Erin was really on to him as a main suspect or she was a really good cop following her leads. I don't know if Tom is going to call this one in or if he'll cover up her death. You can't explain this properly to the authorities when you both carry a badge. He never should've tried to dodge phone calls and meetings about his whereabouts.

Mike and Max stay close to Ryan but nobody can help him except for himself. Right now, his subconscious is evoking more images of Joe, but I think he can pull himself out once Theo, Mark and Daisy are caught. When Daisy mentioned Theo as the scariest person she knows, I wonder if she was playing Mark at the time. I also thought the guy who cut people into boxes was the scariest I've ever seen.

Looks like Penny and Theo are on the road together, but I feel mislead with the whole cryptology and book. It had hidden coordinates, but did that mean it was the location of the elite party? I don't know if that person was a past student of Strauss as well, but their common interest is Ryan Hardy (no surprise there). It was a bit rushed with that part of the story, but I'm looking forward to next week's episode! Looks like there's a swap with Penny and Mike. At the end of the day, Ryan can make a deal for sure (if he's in the right mindset). Mike is the only person Ryan can go to, which he mentioned at the beginning when he found out Ryan returned to the bottle. But if Mark and Theo take him away, then Ryan will have Max and the "demons" that enable his alcohol addiction left.

Bates Motel 3.09 Crazy
Once again, Norma is going over her head. Romero really does care for her and it shows with how he's stuck his neck out time and time again. He got her car back for her and even stepped it up to Bob Paris for her. He went full throttle with the USB key analysis, even though it meant his family name to be investigated.

Now that the gun run was a dud with Dylan and Caleb, I'm surprised they even got any money out of it. Looks like Emma's life can be in the clear, but I have a feeling she may find out. I don't think Caleb is going too far, especially since he promised Dylan he'd be around if he needed anything.

Norma is unravelling into a bigger mess. Everybody wants to help her but all she does is lie and hide. Norman has evolved into his subconscious, and I believe once Norma is officially gone, that will be the tipping point for Norman's ruthlessness as a killer.

I really hope Romero makes it out of this season alive. He's shut himself out from Norma's problems but also found himself emotionally invested with her. I just hope this season ends with Bob Paris in the river. I can't stand him anymore. He drove therapist James out of town and he's even warned Norma about what's to come. It may be good advice to get away, but Norma's running out of resources since White Pine Bay originally was her fresh start.

So it looks like Bradley is back to shake things up? She's planting things in Norman's head, but it's going to screw up her plans of living underground and surviving solo. There isn't another storyline to offer her unless she can reinvent her life story. I think Norman may try and help her out, kind of how he did in first season for her. He also never hurt Annika, so I'm hoping the same will go for Bradley.

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