Sunday, May 3, 2015

Once Upon a Time 4.21 Mother

Once Upon a Time 4.21 Mother
As expected, all Lily wants is revenge. I'm not sure if she's going to give Storybrooke a chance, but more than ever she has to give Maleficent a shot at being a mother.

I knew the author couldn't be trusted! As soon as he wasn't writing something to tear apart someone else's life, he vanished to Rumplestilskin in an instant. I think after he's done writing for him, he may go do something else for himself. They're both the same guy in a sense they always need control over everything. No element of surprise for them; they'll always be the predator.

I'm glad Regina is at peace with her life at long last. She's done manipulating and pushing the envelope for what she wants. She was always been a great character, mainly because we've seen all sides to her from first season. Robin coming back to town is a good twist on everything.

Thank goodness Emma has let go of her scowl and grudge against her parents. It's one thing to be upset for one choice that altered her reality, but it's another to blame every little thing following on that one mistake. I hope she gives Captain Hook a real chance with her. I don't want the author damaging the one relationship everyone's been routing for!

I'm looking forward to the two hour finale next week! It's been a good season with the queens of darkness in Storybrooke. My only question is if Zelena is going to turn a new leaf like the rest of them.

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