Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Arrow 3.19 Broken Arrow

Arrow 3.19 Broken Arrow
Roy is experiencing a really tough jail life. It's nothing the rest of the team wouldn't do to stick their neck out for Oliver, but Detective Lance is taking things to the next level. He's actually going out of his way to make sure Oliver pays for everything. It seems to be the same story with every comic book hero. You're either loved or hated even though you're trying to do something for the greater good. As much as the protagonist sees the bigger picture to save people, there will always be the criticism of those who won't see eye-to-eye.

When Felicity got captured, I actually thought Oliver was going to get into Ray's "Atom" suit when he suggested he needed his instinct. It's good he helped from afar, but I see Oliver reaching a breaking point with regards to choosing lead the League of Assassins. This also gets me thinking with Roy faking his death in jail, they mentioned that's the end of the Arrow as far as Starling City is concerned. With that in mind, does this make it easier for Oliver to go dark side and join the league after all? He has every right to be convinced at the very end of the episode with the state of Thea. I wonder if Malcolm Merlyn will jump in and open up a can of kendo whoop ass on Ra's al Ghul (I'm actually praying for it, John Barrowman is awesome).

Cisco cameo! First, it's good Cisco identified that the metahuman they caught wasn't in Central City when the particle accelerator explosion happened. This means there are more people outside the city that may have been affected from the accident. Second, I'm glad with even yesterday's episode that there would be some more Arrow-Flash crossovers. Maybe this will hint from here on out that we'll get more crossovers for the remainder of the season for both shows!

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