Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hostages 1.13 Fight or Flight

Hostages 1.13 Fight or Flight
This episode was unexpected and entertaining for the entire hour. Nobody trusts anybody, even their own team. Kramer doubts Sandrine; Carlisle doesn't trust Archer; Blair stopped trusting Vanessa; and Sawyer's with her mom running away.

I actually thought Duncan shot Jake in the living room! Ellen and Brian didn't react aggressively though, so that should have been the giveaway. Still, it was Morgan's shock that made it all believable. Poor Morgan didn't know what was going on, and now she is running away with Brian to Canada. [Why are they always seeking refuge in Canada for? I know we have maple syrup, poutine and ketchup chips, but what gives =/?]

Blair has Sawyer now, which will scare Carlisle. I'm sure he'll let Ellen carry out with her plan and have Kincaid leave the hospital with the sample. I just think Duncan will end up sacrificing himself and being a step behind. Burton HAS to save Sawyer, he won't take a backseat in this whole situation.

Archer found the bombs in the basement! This means Sandrine removed them and flipped on Logan. It counts for something, but Kramer already knows she can't be trusted.

I can't wait for it to come back, but this also means other shows like Sherlock and The Following will return in the new year =D

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