Monday, April 14, 2014

The Following 2.13, Bates Motel 2.07

The Following 2.13 The Reaping
Is it strange my sister and I were cheering for Mike to shoot Lily? We knew Ryan wouldn't hold it against him for his anger, but now he may turn him in to the FBI and say it wasn't self defense. Mike has been aching on the inside since his father, so I hope he doesn't get thrown off the case =(

Now that the cult has been destroyed, Ryan should find clues to get closer to Joe. Not sure what the end game will be though because you either put him in jail or do the same thing Mike did =/ I also think Claire is going to get herself killed again now that Joe knows she's alive. She thinks the secret message will throw him off his game (which it has for now) but I see agitation and aggression coming out of this. Yes it will lure him out of hiding but it endangers everyone.

Two episodes left in this season?! I can't handle this!

Bates Motel 2.07 Presumed Innocent
Norman's alter ego is getting stronger. He's speaking up more against Norma, but she is smothering him way to much. If she keeps it up, Norman may burst out and permanently be stuck in the "black out" part of himself.

Alex Romero is strangely attracted to Norma and is probably going to stop her from seeing George Heldens (Michael Vartan). There was male rivalry in the eye contact at the police station so I think this is going to be a new story unfolding. I also think George isn't an entirely good guy. He probably has skeletons in his closet.

I'm sad to see Cody go! I feel she was the only other good person, besides Emma, in Norman's life. Dylan already walked out because of the seriousness of his parentage and hatred for Norma. Miss Watson the likeable teacher mysteriously died in an unsolved murder, leaving Norman confused. Norman really only had Cody left to rely on without question. It's evil of Norma to twist everything and claim Cody is the problem to try and cover up her own tracks.

Now we know Norman slept with Blair *jaw dropping news* This is going to change everything from how easy Romero has been with the Bates family this season to the gossiping town reaction.

Oh and I have a random scene spotting; front desk girl in the police station plays Holly from Rookie Blue! I miss my Toronto cop show so much that I am noticing the characters everywhere.

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