Sunday, October 4, 2015

Once Upon a Time 5.02, Blood & Oil 1.02

Once Upon a Time 5.02 The Price
Okay, why is Emma Swan keeping the entire time frame in Camelot a secret? I understand maybe hiding it from everybody else, but Killian should be open to it. He's always seen her side, even been a villain himself.

I wonder if she'll ever connect Excalibur properly. If she can do it, maybe that's what the warning from her flashback piece in last week's episode was about. I think she will be "lost" to the darkness if she connects the dagger to the sword. She still has feelings and a conscience; it was evident when she watched everyone in Granny's diner. In the beginning with Henry, their conversation still had meaning despite being empty. Excalibur becoming whole may mean so will her power.

Hope next week I get something more active.

Blood & Oil 1.02 The Ripple Effect
I see a little bit more character development in this episode. There's a lot of petty arguing between Billy and Cody, and they're only getting worst. If this is how the entire show will carry out, I don't think I'll want to see an angry couple go at each other's throats.

Why in the world would Billy go to the garage crime scene as well? I know he was involved with the fight, but it was Hap Briggs' oil that was stolen. His son Wick is a total snake and a coward. He's basically the opposite of his half sister. I'm actually liking Lacey's part in this show. It looks like she's successful in California, but she needs a 24 hour watchdog/man-servant while in town. She doesn't take to Darla kindly either, but I guess it's traditional family dynamics. She's somewhat more civil around her stepmother than Wick is. Wick and Darla have a total disregard for each other and it all comes down to money problems.

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