Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Media Presentations

Today’s presentations were an interesting experience. I presented a media mobile that displayed several aspects of the media that influence my everyday life. I volunteered to be one of the first people to present for the sake of getting it over with and not waiting around for my name to be called. I got up there and presented what was in my head and I tried not to think what was on my paper. Usually what happens in my presentations I remember what is written on paper rather. This time around I presented what was there and what I had planned rather then what was written in my essay. It turned out that maybe I was talking too much because Mark Lipton cut me off =S It’s not a big deal though because I understand we were under time constrictions and he was only trying to get everyone in the class the chance to present their media creations

I realized that more than one person had come up with a media mobile like mine, and I admit I was a bit discouraged for not being more creative. However, my project was different in the way that it did not center around a specific strand of media but rather several branches of the media.

I also found it ironic how I was slightly nervous when presenting but once I got into it, it was a piece of cake. The factor that it’s a new class and I don’t even know the neighbour sitting next to me played in to the part of whether or not what these students will think about me.

All in all, it was a rather interesting experience. I think that in order to improve my presentation skills, I should be strictly to the point rather than build up an explanation. Mark Lipton wanted it to be brief, and I tried to have an explanation for everything. Next time, rather than beating around the bush, to the point is best.

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