Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Reign 1.13 The Consummation

The Reign 1.13 The Consummation
Looks like Mary's mother came to play the game of politics. She showed up to stake her agreement with France to cover Scotland and more importantly, her life. She's similar to Catherine in so many ways. They'll both do anything for their kids, and will be cut throat to get what they want (not necessarily including Francis or Mary's happiness).

I was surprised when Sebastian said he would meet Mary outside the palace grounds so they could get married. I thought it would really happen, or at least Mary would have stayed at the kingdom while he was waiting in the cold (totally dramatic idea of course). Also really didn't think the wedding would happen so quick, let alone to Francis. The story is finally back on track with following the real history of Francis and Mary Queen of Scots.

My other theory on Sebastian fleeing the palace grounds is that he needs to return. When this happens maybe he brings his mom along as well. If he shows back up in the middle of all the drama, Mary will definitely fall back to him. It's going to be the same cycle until Mary flees to England for shelter.

Also, Francis and Lola's meet up from last week is going to resurface again, I'm sure. Not sure if that will damage the relationship, but Mary already looks like she had doubts when she found herself caught in the middle of Bash and Francis. I am liking the turn of events in this season, just hope it remains exciting.

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