Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Be Strong YeYe...

I was away for the last week in the Philippines because my YeYe (grandpa) has throat cancer. He refused to follow through with chemotherapy and any treatment when he was diagnosed with it in the fall. We just celebrated his 90th birthday last week and we had a priest come recite a prayer for him.

I flew back out on Sunday and he got worst when my parents and I flew out. We reached Hong Kong and found out he was bleeding out so much. His liver was bleeding into his colon, so when he went to the washroom, everything was all blood. By the time we reached Vancouver for our second layover, my Ama (grandma) was rushed to the hospital (she suffered a stroke a year ago and since then has been in and out of the hospital throughout the year. She can no longer verbally communicate).

I Skype called with my YeYe this morning on dad`s tablet. I could see he was in so much pain, just lying in the bed. It was a hospital bed and my aunt and uncle (dad`s younger sister and brother) had just flown in from Los Angeles and Switzerland. Dad flew out this afternoon as well. I just hope my YeYe is okay.

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