Sunday, December 22, 2013
Ice Storm 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Hostages 1.13 Fight or Flight
This episode was unexpected and entertaining for the entire hour. Nobody trusts anybody, even their own team. Kramer doubts Sandrine; Carlisle doesn't trust Archer; Blair stopped trusting Vanessa; and Sawyer's with her mom running away.
I actually thought Duncan shot Jake in the living room! Ellen and Brian didn't react aggressively though, so that should have been the giveaway. Still, it was Morgan's shock that made it all believable. Poor Morgan didn't know what was going on, and now she is running away with Brian to Canada. [Why are they always seeking refuge in Canada for? I know we have maple syrup, poutine and ketchup chips, but what gives =/?]
Blair has Sawyer now, which will scare Carlisle. I'm sure he'll let Ellen carry out with her plan and have Kincaid leave the hospital with the sample. I just think Duncan will end up sacrificing himself and being a step behind. Burton HAS to save Sawyer, he won't take a backseat in this whole situation.
Archer found the bombs in the basement! This means Sandrine removed them and flipped on Logan. It counts for something, but Kramer already knows she can't be trusted.
I can't wait for it to come back, but this also means other shows like Sherlock and The Following will return in the new year =D
Monday, December 16, 2013
Once Upon a Time 3.11 Going Home
Finally I have a chance to post about the mid season winter finale! It's been a busy weekend, and the start to the week has been a swirl. One of my good friends is moving away so there's been a big bon voyage for her.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Reign 1.08 Fated
Reign 1.08 Fated
Best midseason finale I've seen in a long time! I think Covert Affairs makes great cliffhangers, but this was very well done.
From the beginning, we knew Catherine tried to drive a wedge between Mary and Francis based on Nostradamus's visions. Francis and Mary finally want to get married, which doesn't look good for Catherine's superstitions. I don't think she thought about Francis actually developing feelings for Mary and compared the alliance to what she had with Henry. It's good she decided to tell Mary the truth, but not as an empty threat.
I'm surprised with what's been done with Clarissa's character. At first, I thought she was a forgotten prisoner in the castle. Then, I thought she was a ghost because Charles said she appears only if she wants you to see her. Now we know she's an actual person that Nostradamus has been talking to! I wonder what her 'fate' has been all this time. She looks like she wants to protect Mary, but she murdered Aylee and threw her down the castle stairs. That's my only unanswered question, but a good one to revisit once the show returns in the new year.
Haha Olivia just disappeared after last week. Her role got boring really fast, in my opinion.
I can't believe Diane is actually fleeing the castle grounds. She doesn't have to since Catherine finally got what she wanted, thus far. I'm sure she won't be gone for long since she plans to come back. Legitimising Sebastian is no different then Tomas doing the same by writing to the Vatican. The problem was Diane doing it behind Henry's back, which is also treason. So many political strategies here to guarantee a person's safety in the royal court.
That ending =O!! I am glad she rode off on horseback with Sebastian by her side. Huge statement, but he is on the run anyway because of what his mother Diane. I am sure they will come back, it's all a matter of time. Mary still has to marry Francis no matter what. The only change will probably be whether or not it is a loveless marriage. Francis yelling her name and partially chasing after her down the trail was heart wrenching; that moment made my jaw drop!
Very excited for the rest of the season. I can't explain how happy I am that the show got picked up for a full season. This was a wonderful cliffhanger just in case it didn't get viewers, but wow every episode was made very well! Definitely watch it if you don't mind forgetting they majority of the court is supposed to have French accents haha.
The Tomorrow People 1.09 Death's Door
The Tomorrow People 1.09 Death's Door
Looks like we found Jedikiah's weakness in his girlfriend Morgan. It's his Achilles heel and now he's in debt to Stephen and the group for protecting her.
He really covered up all his steps to make sure John could get away as well, so he definitely has a heart. Now with 'the founder' in the picture, Jedikiah is just a messenger boy and not the puppeteer.
Cara is getting angrier at John as the episodes go on. She sees him as shutting her out but she's saving face and blaming him for everything. John kept all those secrets and even promised Roger he would save the rest of the tomorrow people. I believe in Roger's master plan.
Stephen is really perceptive to know his dad found a way into limbo. I'm glad he has his faith and trusted his instincts. Waiting for January!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Sleepy Hollow 1.10 The Golem
Sleepy Hollow 1.10 The Golem
Poor Ichabod is always enduring something complicated again. He had a son, Jeremy, all this time and didn't know because Katrina his him away.
I knew Ichabod's life would be the price of Jeremy and Katrina's! I don't think Katrina can ever get out of her purgatory unless Ichabod dies.
Abbie is so nice to him, they really do connect like actual partners. At the end where she comes to him, he looks just as frightened at the vision he saw in the forest. He won't willingly hand her soul over unless she gives him the ultimatum.
This show goes at a good pace, and Ichabod's son Jeremy is the biggest twist so far =D hoping next episode has more action in it!
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Hostages 1.12 The Cost of Living
Hostages 1.12 The Cost of Living
Brian has been irritating this entire episode. I'm totally skipping over his pathetic attempts to "fix" everything just because he makes it all worst and Duncan REALLY fixes things.
Duncan is quick with picking up Sandrine's betrayal. Archer brought her in so he understands her reasons for flipping better than anybody else. If it weren't for Archer's suspicions, Duncan wouldn't have known a way to try and confirm her loyalty. I have faith she isn't executing them to save herself. She has the training and military skill to assemble those untraceable bombs. I'm sure she can diassarm them before she attached them to all three the cars. Kramer wants an actual future with Sandrine, so he's definitely taking this hard as well.
I think Ellen is still following through with the plan. She did feel guilty at the hospital during the scene with her patient's son. He represents her moment of guilt and reality check to what she's going to do with Kincaid.
However this ends, someone is going to die. I hope it won't be Duncan but I also don't want a cliffhanger to the series.
Once Upon a Time 3.10 The New Neverland
Once Upon a Time 3.10 The New Neverland
I think Robbie Kay was perfect as the Peter Pan on the show. He's so dynamic and broad with his acting for a young actor, casting did a great job bringing him on board!
I'm excited with what's happening in Storybrooke now. Henry is helpless in the wrong body and everybody is running around trying to make everything work in their personal life.
I want Hook to get his happy ending already. He would be awesome with Emma but I know Neal is the wedge between them. I also hope Tinkerbell gets more screen time. She hasn't been able to do much with all the new characters overpowering the plot.
If Peter Pan succeeds with recasting Regina's old curse, I think the only people able to keep their memories are Emma, Henry and the Darling children. Neal may not remember because he is actually Baelfire, but he has grown up in New York. The Darlings are from England, so they can grow up and reside in reality.
Happy this show mixes things up to make it all interesting.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Reign 1.07 Left Behind
The Tomorrow People 1.08, Arrow 2.09
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Hostages 1.11 Off the Record
The intricate politics happening in this show is quick. They actually went all the way to New York to handle things, and I am happy Sandrine acted on instinct. I was cheering so hard when I saw Kramer in the truck side mirror. This means they are getting everything done!
Burton stood his ground well and would have shot Mary if she tried exposing Kincaid.
THAT ENDING! Ellen and Carlisle, I remember seeing this in a quick preview at the beginning. I just thought I was seeing things back then and forgot about it. Since I had that image in my head, I was under the impression in the first episode, the whole hostage situation would be Ellen teaming up with Carlisle all along. Turns out it's become the anticipated captor and captive kiss!
Their connection looks like it will go deep into the next episode. They both have ultimatums and need to rely on each other. This makes this all worth it! A curve ball we did not see coming!
Not much else to say since THAT made it for me entirely.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Once Upon a Time 3.09 Save Henry
It's great the first half of this season has finished with Neverland. The writers and producers were fantastic covering every character in Peter Pan's storyline and bringing it all in. It didn't take long for us to start missing the characters in Storybrooke, so I'm happy the task of getting Henry back didn't drag on through Neverland.
It was also nice to see Regina's first go at motherhood when she adopted baby Henry. But for the entire 11 years, John and Michael Darling were already searching for him in Boston! Why did it take them so long to reach Storybrooke? If Peter Pan knew the prophecy involving Henry, this means he relied heavily on the Darling boys since he took Wendy. For 11 years, they could've crossed over to Storybrooke. No idea why they took so long, especially since other people could stumble in without noticing on their road maps.
The last thing I'm curious about is the shadow situation. Since Peter Pan stays young forever, will that mean the newly possessed Henry won't age either? When they meant everybody is coming home to Storybrooke, they really meant everybody. I wonder if his shadow could be trapped just like with what Regina did to the shadow on the Jolly Roger. I doubt Rumplestilskin will get rid of Pandora's box, so Henry is technically still inside there. Also, nobody ages in Storybrooke either. Does this mean it will be just like Neverland as well? August, Baelfire and Emma grew up because they were in the real world outside of the Enchanted Forest. Henry should be able to grow up but if he is possessed with Peter Pan's soul, there may be a grey line there.
I look into this show a lot because it's so intricate and all of the characters overlap one another in a wonderful format. The ending was jaw dropping and actually changes everything. Excited for the rest of the season!
The Walking Dead 4.08 Too Far Gone
The Walking Dead 4.08 Too Far Gone
What is the Governor's problem? He's honestly wasted the last two episodes (which made me lose interest in the entire first half of this season) on his boring personal journey of finding new people and killing his previous followers. What's the point? He's the person we all hate and loathe. It's a good thing he went away already, thank you Michonne!
Really happy Maggie and Hershel successfully saved Glen's life. I'm sure he will get strong again just like Sasha has.
Carol did well in the prison by giving the young children a reality check. The world isn't what it used to be and has been survival of the fittest for a long time. She is taking the same role as Shane, who took a stand at the farm and was telling Rick they had to fight. Of course, Shane went too far and his vendetta was personal with Rick. It's a classic kill or be killed situation, and it's dangerous since it was people versus people.
Not sure who is driving the bus with the survivors, we just saw it go away. I fear it might be one of the rival people since Glen can't even stand straight. It looks like everybody is separated now. Rick is with Carl, Daryl is with Beth, Maggie is with Sasha and Tyreese has the kids. I'm sure Tyreese has Judith as well, despite the bloody car seat.
If it weren't for Daryl, Carl and Rick, this hour would've been another waste.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Hostages 1.10 Burden of Truth
Finally had time to catch up with this episode since I went to the show on Monday.
Duncan and Ellen working on the same team?! This is absolutely perfect. We never saw this coming and now Duncan has to trust Ellen as much as he's demanded from her from the beginning. It's a huge role reversal and they're both out of options. I'm glad Ellen is proposing that everybody has a choice and they can choose an alternative than to kill the President.
I'm afraid Ellen's husband may get mixed up in doing something to spoil everything. Both of the kids seem to be on board with cooperating, and they don't even know the whole story the way Ellen does. Everything is getting so intertwined and interesting now. There are so many layers to the plot that it keeps getting intense as more characters get involved
I don't believe Sandrine is going to flip on the team. She may be desperate to protect her son at all costs, but she's definitely not going to jeopardize the entire operation if she already has her debts paid off. She also remains involved with Kramer. He keeps showing his emotional support towards her, and his intentions are totally in the right place. He's also doing a lot of ground work with spying and watching Duncan's back. I guess Duncan can't trust anybody else but his brother.
This is such an interesting series! Even if it does end after this one season, I am glad Toni Collette and Dylan McDermott have taken part in this! =D
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
MisterWives, American Authors and The Royal Concept at Virgin MobileMOD Club
I knew about the American Authors from back when they opened for Royal Teeth at the beginning of June. That was the only band I was familiar with and my reason for purchasing a ticket to last night's Three of Clubs Fall Tour. They've gotten so much exposure ever since (i.e.: they made an appearance on Jay Leno's Late Show last month and radio show appearances on non-show dates).
The band brought Queens, New York based MisterWives and Swedish band The Royal Concept to my attention. I didn't know I've heard The Royal Concept's music before in passing (they have their popular song "On Our Way" out at the moment) but now I know who they are! Both bands have upbeat music with an eclectic and alternative twist, kind of like American Authors (who are more alternative and upbeat). I would describe MisterWives as bubbly and refreshing. The lead singer Mandy has fantastic vocals with a gorgeous rasp and wide range.
I bought all their EP's with the exception of MisterWives (who releases theirs in January) and now have new music to enjoy!
Sleepy Hollow 1.09 Sanctuary
Hooray, Abbie and Ichabod are more intertwined than we thought! I don't know what it is with the house that freaked me out other than the creepy tree man. It was empty with no furniture, showed all the signs of being haunted!
It looks like Jenny is going to be in the show a lot more now that Abbie is taking care of her. I don't approve of her dating Captain Irving if that's the idea the writers are trying to entertain with the audience. It's a bad idea, and this means he will get emotional with anything having to do with Jenny and Abbie.
I wonder if Ichabod's son is the key to everything in this. Katrina is stuck in a witch purgatory, Ichabod and the horsemen are alive because of each other and Abbie is smack in the middle of it. I want the son to be the reason to clear everything up so Katrina and Ichabod can both survive.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Reached my Quarter of the Century Crisis

I was still working on my picture in this shot (bottom left), but as you can see on the right, my sister is a freaking rockstar at this! She also works with airplants in her free time, so I'll probably show you all her designs in future posts. This was such a fun time, and the employees played mellow, relaxing music in the studio for us to enjoy as we painted for the day.
Later on, we had all you can eat sushi where I expanded my stomach to a totally new level haha! I know later on this week, I am going to visit my cousins in Brooklyn and Tribeca. Great start to the birthday week!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Reign 1.06 Chosen
We finally have a Sebastian centered episode (sort of)! I am glad they've touched upon his spiritual powers, the Pagan belief and how he inherits it from his mother, Diane. The writers finally explain what goes on in the forests on the palace grounds, but I don't understand why there isn't control over there. I think they must be runaways who overrun the forest, even though the kingdom is Catholic. The rebellion must be strong if they're hiding all over the castle.
Surprise guest appearance by Christopher Redman (Graceland, Arrow) and I wish he stuck around. The scenes he did with Bash were really intense. It looks like Bash really cares for Mary and I've been wanting for him to take a bigger role in standing for her.
I want to say Bash will use his powers for good, but I can see a jealous Francis provoking him into doing something else in the future episodes. It must be a mixture of his love for Mary and King Henry loving Bash more than Francis.
Not the greatest of episodes, but a significant wedge is driven between Francis and Mary. I am hoping Mary stands her ground like in the previous episode and gets to the bottom of Queen Catherine's plans.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
The Tomorrow People 1.07, Arrow 2.07
This was actually a fun episode! Had a look at Stephen's school life and John had to have fun at his basketball game. He made it even with Cara and said they both made out with Stephen xD
Hostages 1.09 Loose Ends
Hostages 1.09 Loose Ends
I'm loving all of this character development in the story. People are switching sides and it's come clear once you're in too deep, there's no getting out.
Creepy Quentin is second guessing everything. Once he found out who was pulling the strings, realising the seriousness of it all made him grow a conscious a little too late.
I'm happy Kramer and Sandrine decided to do something right. Something that wasn't orchestrated within orders but morally right because they knew it was wrong to kill anyone innocent in the way. They show the opposite of taking action when you're in too deep. They're prodocutive and since they're a team, it makes it easier not to get caught. When I saw Kramer in the side mirror, I knew they were risking a lot. I wonder if Duncan is ever going to figure out what they did.
Too many people are eliminated and new ones are becoming the giants in this. Next week's episode looks great, Ellen and Duncan will probably be better off working together as a team if they allow it to happen.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Once Upon a Time 3.08 Think Lovely Thoughts
Poor young Rumple. Never thought I would say that, but now we know the significance of the doll Rumplestilskin crumpled over at the start of the season.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Reign 1.05 A Chill in the Air
Thank you Francis for being a gentleman only to go back on your word, to being apologetic and back again to a full blown jerk. He has it in him to still be the hero, it's whether or not his heart will stick to protecting Mary. I hope this doesn't play out to be a loveless marriage. I'm optimistic and thoroughly invested in Mary and Francis!
The drunken confession scene Mary has with Bash had me laughing so hard, actually it was my favourite scene of the entire episode. I was waiting for the moment in the show Bash and Mary would finally be alone. It looked as if the writers, producers and marketing team were pushing for this all along. I just wondered when it would happen and I am happy it was at the start of the season!
Does Nostradamus know about Bash and his supernatural abilities? He speaks openly about the practice but not particularly about Bash and his talents. I want that clarified soon.
Looks like Mary is losing Kenna to the king. She's running out of close friends who are supposed to support her. I'm happy Aylee is a double spy for Mary's sake. She's become the Severus Snape of the story =P I also hope Queen Catherine's plans fail miserably.
I'm very happy Reign announced they were picked up for a full season on Monday. I hope the story stretches out to be a great one with the right mix of comedy, romance and dark secrets. I know there's a lot of historical inaccuracies (yes – I know I always say this in nearly every entry) but it plays out to be more entertaining with all the fictional twists!
The Tomorrow People 1.06, Arrow 2.06
Monday, November 11, 2013
Hostages 1.08 The Good Reason
Once again, I am wrong (wouldn't be my first time). I speculated the president's wife to be behind the hostage situation and murder plan. It's actually the sister, who the president had the affair with! Creepy Quentin isn't the one we fear anymore now that he backs down under the real people pulling the strings.
If Morgan really wanted to save Boyd, she should have signaled Agent Carlisle by addressing him as, 'dad'.
Kramer got investigated and Jake got to help! I wonder if Sandrine is remaining rebellious and unmoved by Kramer's actions. I find one of them is going to crack under pressure when it really comes down to it.
I don't believe the family can get real help. Agent Carlisle says he has people watching everywhere they go, it's impossible to escape!
So much happened tonight and we have new characters playing a role in the president's murder. This means there is way more people invested in this story than myself with the rest of my favourite television shows haha!
Once Upon a Time 3.07, The Walking Dead 4.05
We finally have a crossover to Storybrooke!
I knew those two characters had to be Jonathan and Michael Darling! It makes a perfect sense with the a) English accents, b) the teddy bear hanging from the rear view mirror and c) manipulation under Peter Pan, who they said upfront they very well knew who they worked for. But now that we know who Peter stole Wendy and holds her captive, what was his motivation? He was always after Henry and formed the lost boys out of those who wanted to come along. Was Wendy supposed to play the mother role but changed her mind to go back home? I'm so confused why the shadow chooses who to take. This is exciting, I have many questions for this plot.
Captain Hook is really a hero in the group. I've said it before and I'll say it again, he's grown so much since we've first met him. Even before knowing his back story with his brother, his purpose and reason to do good has been for Emma and Henry. He's become so selfless and I want him to get back to Storybrooke with everybody else.
I really wonder where Prince Eric is in Storybrooke. Ariel deserves her happy ending already!
There's a lot going on in the prison, and I don't think anyone addressed the massive hole in the side of the building. We assumed it got sealed up once more people arrived, but I think that's one way intruders and walkers can still enter the place.
I feel the plot really needs to develop. With cutting Carol loose last week, I have complete faith she will return. I am not sure why Rick is so scared of Tyreese's reaction to finding out who killed the other two. I was surprised how Maggie was so on board with Rick's decision but I do understand with regards to a trust pact. You need to trust your people and not have them going off to make decisions without communicating them.
Daryl's reaction can be either one of two extremes: upset the kind of way he was with his Merle OR calm and passive about the entire idea. I could see him in a face off with Tyreese in the near future.
Friday, November 8, 2013
The Paper Kites at Horseshoe Tavern
Reign 1.04 Hearts and Minds
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Sleepy Hollow 1.06 The Sin Eater
Sleepy Hollow 1.06 The Sin Eater
I nearly lost interest in the show because of the three week hiatus between episodes.
Abby and Ichabod's relationship has grown so far from the beginning. I'm not sure how I feel about her connection with Ichabod though considering he is intertwined with the headless horsemen. Katrina has sacrificed so much for Crane that I think they won't get their happy ending. At the pace of the storyline, I see her sacrificing herself completely to let Ichabod live out his life curse-free.
It's nice to see Craig Parker (Legend of the Seeker, Lord of the Rings) again in another 'mythical' themed picture. Even if it is one flashback, he makes a great character no matter what range.
If this show remains consistent, I'll keep watching. Otherwise, I have other shows I could be reviewing!
Monday, November 4, 2013
Hostages 1.07 Hail Mary
Everybody is working against Ellen! She knows Duncan's dad and he knows way more than we thought. Looks like he is responsible for introducing her strong qualities as a surgeon to whoever is pulling the strings.
I still think it's the president's wife who is causing all of this. We know the president had an affair, so what other motivation than revenge and a broken heart?
Kramer is probably the nicest one of the kidnapping group. He's selflessly helping Sandrine with so much at risk! I think this may cause a rift between him and Duncan he appears to be the weakest/softest person with regards to keeping up his demeanor. We saw his emotions from the beginning when he gave Jake's dog back to him and fighting the drug dealers off. It probably comes from his past addiction where no one probably helped him and he knows what it's like to be helpless.
I also think Duncan is going to survive that ending scene or else there won't be a show to watch!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Once Upon a Time 3.06, The Walking Dead 4.04
The title of the episode is the giveaway. I think Ariel will get more screen time this season considering her role to cross between realms so easily. I am happy with seeing JoAnna Garcia Swisher (Gossip Girl, Are You Afraid of the Dark?) getting the part since I can believe her as a curious and intuitive character. I would think Baelfire/Neal escaped Neverland as a boy with the help of Ariel. Since Neverland is an island surrounded by mermaids and other creatures, I figure Ariel is a good person who wanted to help him escape.
Now I thought Ursula would be an actual character, but instead she stands as a mythical guardian. The enjoyed the animation scene through the mirror. I think it parallels those with magic and those with an actual higher power than those from the Enchanted Forest.
The best part of this episode was that we know we are getting the Storybrooke characters back together.
The Walking Dead 4.04 Indifference
I really DID NOT see that coming! Wow, Carol was the one who did it! She is a totally different person now, and I wish she stayed.
We all understand why she did it, but I have no idea why Rick is choosing Tyreese over Carol. He knows Carol, he went through that traumatic Sophia killing in season two and he's known her from the beginning when he reunited with his family. It's awful to see her "gone" but I am hoping she comes back. I find every part of her has grown into a full fighter like the rest. She's become resourceful, helpful and an all around key person amongst the survival of the fittest.
I wanted Rick to change his mind, but Carol now understands the consequences of acting without discussion.
I love you Ama
I wasn't prepared or expecting this loss since I felt there was some progress in her health in the last month. But my grandma was in a lot of pain and suffered so much through the years. She broke her hip a couple years ago and following our last vacation in May 2012 to see her, she experience a stroke a week after. Later on came the hospital visits and the struggle. I'll always remember the time periods she would spend with us in Canada.
She was a big part in our day to day lives and there isn't one day I wouldn't think about her while back in the Philippines. As a family, we would call her and YeYe every month, every birthday, every holiday and even for no reason at all. Ama raised us, taught us and really was the best role model she could be to us.
I'm sad she has gone but she's at peace and more importantly, she knew we loved her.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Reign 1.03 Kissed
I enjoy how this show is dramatized to appeal to a younger viewing audience, but I do wish it would be more historically accurate. It admit it is interesting though, especially with how Prince Francis is made into a hero. The real Prince Francis was sick and didn't live long because he was always ill. Nostradamus already set the tone in the first episode that he will die once he marries and ascends the thrown. It looks like a set up of Mary being the cause of death, but actually following the marriage, Prince Francis will probably see war and a lot of loss to his kingdom.
Nostradamus looks like he will have visions in every episode to continue telling the future of kingdom and those in the court. The king may have something to do with getting rid of him if he keeps so close to Queen Catherine. Sebastian must know something about Nostradamus with what we've seen in the previous episode. This could be another secret because other than this, he is an obedient illegitimate son of the king.
I didn't know Manolo Cardona (Covert Affairs) would play the illegitimate Prince of Portugal. I don't know his longevity in this, especially since Francis is now trying to fight back for Mary. So typical, as soon as somebody wants what you had, you chase after what is no longer "yours".
Where is Clarissa the mysterious bagged person?! I like her, she adds more mystery and horror into the castle. If Prince Charles acknowledges her, she must be interested int he survival of the children.
The episode was more informative this time around. Mary's friend Greer is seeking love and hope for the sake of saving her family back home. I understand this since when you're not of noble descent, you don't get much of a choice on who to marry and how to survive with little money. She is basically lucky she grew up with Mary and is in her court.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
The Tomorrow People 1.04, Arrow 2.04
Glad they finally showed John's back story. He's an abused foster child who provided for his fellow foster siblings by using his powers. He then turned into a runaway and live on his own after Jedikiah took him into Ultra.
But WHOA!! John can kill?! Jedikiah's drug induced method to the primary of his brain (I hope I got that right) actually made him a survivor too, not just Cillian. Cara and the group don't even know, so this is major! This is such a dark secret and I really think this will change everything in the season. If this gets out, the rest of the team will look at him as the leader who lied to them all this time."I think there's a reason why we were born unable to kill. Destroy something, part of a soul you don't get back. I felt it today, just like I felt it years ago." This one-on-one secret talk with Jedikiah was so intense! I instantly thought of Harry Potter haha but I see how John's emotion is totally torn up on the inside. He feels so guilty to let Jedikiah in to "help" him at such a young age and manipulate who he was. I am really loving how the writers and producers are making this show so enjoyable. Very impressive stuff I am seeing!!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Hostages 1.06 Sister's Keeper
I am so glad we learned a bit more about the other agents in this episode. I understand why she separates her son and personal life from her work. But she has money troubles, which gets her involved with the wrong people. I wonder if Agent Carlisle was going to help her get the money to keep her around. He was very methodical in putting away his other friend and set him up for the murder. Then again, he is now a man short and is only operating with the rebellious Sandrine and his recovering ex-addict Kramer. Have we established officially that Kramer is his brother-in-law? I only assumed because of Carlisle's visit to the hospital and Kramer said, "Tell her I love her" to his wife.
I'm surprised Ellen actually threw her sister out. It was necessary to cut her lose for the sake of keeping the hostage situation a secret, but getting the hospital shrink and security was over the top. After all this is over, whichever wait may turn, I don't know if she can rebuild her relationship with her sister after this.
Kramer definitely has a soft spot for Jake, which could get dangerous in the remaining two episodes. It is a short-lived show, but since there is no sign of a season two, I hope the final episodes tie up all loose ends.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Once Upon a Time 3.05 Good Form
Once Upon a Time 3.05 Good Form
How dynamic is this storyline? Every time Charming challenges Hook, he loses badly. Hook has one hand! It's hilarious, shows that the rough and tough pirate can take on the prince.
We find out about Hook's past before he became a pirate! He had a brother and was part of the royal army under the king's command! He lost his brother, which resulted in his decesion to rebel and not take orders from anybody else.
What is up with Henry breaking the mirror? Does he want to stay on the island or go home with his family? Peter Pan's brainwashing technique is very dark, and he's able to round up all those other lost boys for years. Henry may be playing Pan and going along with being a lost boy just for the sake of survival.
As for capturing Baelfire in the bamboo made cage, I think he is strung up next to a fellow unknown prisoner. I want to believe its Killian's "dead" brother, since you cannot leave Neverland once you drink from the waterfall.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Josh Groban at the Air Canada Centre!
I remember when one time I was at Sherway Gardens one weekend and Josh Groban did a mall tour. I recall him being surrounded by a MASSIVE pool of women outside the Bay entrance wing. I remember liking his music when my dad would play Andrea Bocelli's CD in the car and then switched it over to Josh Groban. Afterwards, David Foster found Josh Groban and helped him on is way.
I've been a fan ever since, and last night was also my first time seeing him in concert. It was magnificent, to say the least. Josh's voice is so powerful and his music touches so many people's lives.
Judith Hill was also opening up for Josh Groban on tour! I knew back in August when she was announced and was looking forward to hearing her sing live. I've also been a fan of Judith ever since she sang at Michael Jackson's funeral. I knew her afterwards as one of Josh Groban's back up singers when I saw her in his music video "Brave" and a few of his live TV appearances.
During the concert, she also did a meet and greet following her opening, just before Josh took the stage. She was very sweet and humble when she met with fans. I got her autograph and I can feel that she was happy to meet so many fans during her first visit to Toronto.
Nearing the end of the concert, Judith came back on stage to sing "The Prayer" with Josh. It put my friend Linda to tears, and she told me once her mom got very ill a long time ago. This song was the one that that made her feel better and have hope to getting better. Josh Groban really does touch lives with his music in so many ways =')
Here is the Toronto setlist he played:
1. Brave
2. False Alarms
3. February Song
4. Un Alma Mas
5. Vincent (Starry, Starry Night)
6. Alla Luce
7. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
8. Sincera
9. Remember When It Rained (featuring Judith)
10. The whole band jam for a bit, Christian Hebel starts with Aerosmith's "Dream On" on his violin
11. Voce Existe Em Mim
12. To Where You Are
13. She Moved Through the Fair
14. The Prayer (featuring Judith again)
15. I Believe (When I Fall in Love it Will Be Forever) by Stevie Wonder
16. You Raise Me Up
17. Smile by Charlie Chaplin
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Reign 1.02 Snakes in the Garden
Another Thursday TV show that has sucked me in! We learned so much about the deep secrets and plots with almost everybody in the castle before even making it to the dinner!
Once Upon a Time in Wonderland 1.03 Forget Me Not
WOW!! Finally, a crossover with Once Upon a Time characters. I was waiting for this but was unsure since the creators of both shows may not want to use the same actors until tonight.
The flashback with Robin Hood was amazing, and now we know who Knave really is! There were so many hints and clues in the first two episodes, but I didn't think the producers would reveal it this early on. I also guessed who his Anastasia may be and I'm happy this was the actual twist. With the mirroring in both shows, I wonder if the Queen of Hearts here will also be the same queen that was Regina's mom in Once Upon a Time.
This guy looks like something out of Game of Thrones but he is probably the wonderland's version of the beast. He looks through the knot/ mirror at his love, so it makes sense for it to be him.
I can't believe Alice is only having trust issues now. Even though the rabbit and her have been through a lot in the past, she should know everything has changed. She saw the Cheshire cat and he changed to something completely different. She can't be naïve in Wonderland anymore.
I love fairy tales, I just hope this show doesn't run out of ideas.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Tomorrow People 1.03, Arrow 2.03
Looks like John had time to get a haircut and I do like it a lot!
Cara's back story is pretty heartbreaking. One of the ultimate disturbing incidences to happen to a teen girl. It explains her emotion was the reason why she discovered her power in steps. It was five years prior to present day and it must hold a setback to the group, no matter the strength of her telekinesis.
I am hoping we get a glimpse of John and Russell's stories before they joined the group. We know John was familiar with Stephen's father, which is why he's the leader. I'm interested though in both John and Russell's past and how they came to be.
I'm scared for Stephen's situation with Astrid. She gave Stephen an empty threat but if you're supposed to really be his friend, you don't try to back them into a corner about something they're hiding. Easy for me to say because I'm on the protagonist's side in this. She needs yo stay out of this or Jedikiah may put her in danger.
Arrow 2.03 Broken Dolls
This villain creeps me out!! It takes me back to that Criminal Minds episode when the doctor's daughter would make live dolls out of adult women.
I don't know when we get to see Black Canary unmasked, but I want to know her reason to fight bad guys and what brought her to Starling City. Is it deranged if I think that it might be Laurel's sister? It would make a great story because they totally ignored what happened to her.
Looks like Laurel is reverting to self pity now. That's a steep 180 degree turn on last week when she was concentrated on blaming the vigilante for Tommy's death once more. I hope her character doesn't turn into the helpless doe-eyed damsel in distress because I really like Katie Cassidy.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Hostages 1.05 Truth and Consequences
Hostages 1.05 Truth and Consequences
It's an excellent short-lived show but I want more from Toni Colette and Dylan McDermott. They're both great actors but I think they can take it to the next level with this show. I may be asking for a season 2, but not sure how they can do that with the focus on killing the president.
I sort of want the finale to have her find out he is in trouble too with his daughter and wife at risk. She already knows he has a terminally ill wife and is an FBI agent, but she doesn't know he is doing this mission against his will. There's somebody else pulling the strings and he can only control a small part of the execution.
Everybody within the hostage team totally has a dark story. It's complicating the plans in time for the finale so I am really hoping the next episode is a big one. My theory on the person pulling the strings is th president's wife. That would be a wonderful twist to see. Its twisted but it makes a great storyline.
Gosh I sound as if I am reliving my Prison Break days with wanting another season for the show. Don't want an overkill, just more Dylan McDermott on my television screen!
Monday, October 21, 2013
The natural route
As I got older, I've had to watch the food I can have that won't aggravate my skin condition. It has been a challenge but I am getting a feel of this new way to help my body.
I stopped by a nutrition store this weekend and purchased a Pine Tar soap bar ($2.49 CAD). It helps heal eczema and I am hoping I see results this week as I use it. I know it won't be dramatic but I am hoping for consistancy in steady healing.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
The Walking Dead 4.02 Infected
The Walking Dead 4.02 Infected
I was wondering if the look on the zombie by the fence from last week would have something to do with the rest of the season. It makes sense to throw in a flu. With lack of supplies and decent livestock, some sort of sickness was bound to spread. It's one thing to have the 'disease' set in the immune system, but I think this travels much faster.
Is the Lizzy feeding the rats to the walkers? It would explain why she feels guilty about her father dying. Just my own thought.
Rick makes the hardest decisions through all the sacrifice we see. After all he's done with the group as a leader, people have every right to look to him for guidance. Daryl evidently takes orders from him with devoted appreciation. Also, all the loss they've endured together proves they make most of the hard decisions as a team. Getting rid of the pigs was definitely major since it was a direct source of food for the prison. Then again, making the connection of the flu possibly coming from the bacon is what they got to do to survive.
Next week's episode is looking really good. This season is a huge improvement front the previous. I was sick of the governor and his boring town.
Once Upon a Time 3.04 Nasty Habits
The writers for this show keep outdoing themselves as the season goes on. The twists and changes to traditional fairy tales are so imaginative.
Sea/Land; a photography exhibit =)
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Reign 1.01
Reign 1.01 Pilot
Oh my goodness. I am a sucker for period pieces. Costumes, TV shows, Films - all of it. I thought I would be over it after The Borgias and The Tudors but it's been a while since this particular era and genre has been done. My question is why does the French court all of English accents? Inaccurate, but I think the producers are more concerned with the audience understanding the dialogue.
The story is straight forward and I found the first few minutes absolutely addicting. The stunning scenery and dramatic opening reels you right into the story. When Reign was advertised for the past few weeks, I wasn't too keen. It was the same advertisement and it only looked like the typical historical storyline of the future king and queen. Once I found out Canadian actor Torrance Coombs (The Tudors) would be in it, I has to tune into the pilot.
What is with the bagged girl in the castle?! I'm positive it's not the man in the iron mask, so who is hiding in the shadows and corners of the castle? Obviously someone who is supposed to be hidden away, but I'm wondering what their relevance is to the royal family.
I expect the show to have more story development with all the secrets already shown in this pilot.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Tomorrow People 1.02, Arrow 2.02, Criminal Minds 9.04
The character development is impressive, especially since it's only the second episode. John is sticking to his alpha male leader role constantly watching out for everybody's well being. He also understands the concept of limits and when to hold back to ensure their safety. Cara is the strong female with good judgement from what we've seen. I think she will be more of an emotional decision maker as opposed to strategic.
This episode has Nick Eversman (Missing) guest starring, and I didn't notice it was him until he finally moved his angry, emo hair out of his face haha! I wonder if he will play a more predominant role as future episodes air. I loved him in Missing, but then again ANYTHING with Ashley Judd searching for her missing son is always a good watch. Too bad that show didn't get picked up for a second season... my apologies for reminiscing on past shows I hoped would have better ratings.
Arrow 2.02 Identity
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Sunday Fundays!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
New TV show!
The Tomorrow People 1.01 Pilot
I saw all sorts of print advertisements and posts on twitter and thought I'd tune in.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Rest Well YeYe
He's suffered so much and I'm happy he is no longer in pain. It hurts the most to see the strongest of your four grandparents to have something as terrible as cancer deteriorate their body. I am very grateful for the time we have had together and the memories I've shared with him. Him and my Ama helped raised me and will always be a part of me.
Losing a grandparent is all very new to me and I know I am very blessed to have all four of mine. I know that the next little while, I have to learn to move on and try to cope with my loss. I don`t know how long I'll be away, but I will be back. Blogging is the last thing I want to do for the time being.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Be Strong YeYe...
I flew back out on Sunday and he got worst when my parents and I flew out. We reached Hong Kong and found out he was bleeding out so much. His liver was bleeding into his colon, so when he went to the washroom, everything was all blood. By the time we reached Vancouver for our second layover, my Ama (grandma) was rushed to the hospital (she suffered a stroke a year ago and since then has been in and out of the hospital throughout the year. She can no longer verbally communicate).
I Skype called with my YeYe this morning on dad`s tablet. I could see he was in so much pain, just lying in the bed. It was a hospital bed and my aunt and uncle (dad`s younger sister and brother) had just flown in from Los Angeles and Switzerland. Dad flew out this afternoon as well. I just hope my YeYe is okay.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Ivan & Alyosha at The Garrison
I couldn't resist, I had to buy their CD. The band was nice enough to sign it for me and I appreciated it so much. They've been through a lot, having their band equipment stolen back in Atlanta. I'm glad to see the previous band they've toured with lent them all their gear to complete the remainder of the tour. I can't believe people car-jack an entire van full of band equipment, it's awful!
The spirit of Ivan & Alyosha is comforting to witness. When a band sticks together to play their music, it shows their fans to never give up and to keep on going on. More artists and bands should be like them =).
Thursday, June 6, 2013
American Authors and Royal Teeth at The Drake
They brought Brooklyn based band American Authors along to open up for them. Too bad they did not have their EP recorded and ready for this show (they told us they are still producing it). It was a lot of fun with drums and guitar embedded in their music. Their sound is different than Royal Teeth though.
Royal Teeth has a more upbeat melodic tempo to their sound with Nora's voice (one of the lead singers). When I first heard them sing at the MOD Club, I was moved by her and Gary's singing voice. I can't explain it, you need to see them life or her their music when they release their CD. This show was a lot of fun, and both bands put on such a great show!
As you can very well tell form my pictures, I was in the front the whole time.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Bates Motel 1.10 Midnight
I don’t understand why everyone on the Internet hated last night’s episode. It was magnificent!
In my opinion, this is the one show where there’s consistency in every episode (I had the same feelings about The Following as well).
What I like about Bates Motel is the subtle clues left in the show. I try my best to pay attention to detail from start to finish and you see most of the characters intertwine with each other. It IS a small town after all, so we’re bound to run into the same people at some point.
Everyone who is criticizing the VERY END of the episode; are you not paying attention?! I’m being serious, that ending opens up the opportunity for season 2, shows Norman isn’t getting better and NOW we know who Miss Watson is!
She plays a bigger role than Norman’s teacher (who pushes for the inappropriate teacher-student relationship) — her necklace pendant has the letter “B” on it.
In the last episode 1.09 Underwater, Bradley freaks out to Dylan over letters they found in her dad’s old office with the indication he had an affair. It was signed “B” and the exact way it was written was how it appeared on Miss Watson’s necklace. So many secrets in this town and I hope it gets even better.
Who is this Eric that Miss Watson was arguing with on the cellphone anyway? I want to say the Sheriff Alex Romero (for fun to see where that goes) or the therapist since he’s evaluating Norman. But it’s probably a new character which I wouldn’t mind seeing anyway.
Definitely a finale that did not disappoint!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
The Wizard of Oz at The Ed Mirvish Theatre
The special effects and the use of the stage itself has been transformed to something more. Andrew Lloyd Webber made an outstanding choice with Danielle Wade as Dorothy.
Our seats in the orchestra were second from the front, so we were able to see how well trained the dogs were when they interacted with the rest of the cast. It was the typical happy musical which is great to take the whole family to. There's nothing bad I can say about this musical, there has been so much brought to the table by all the actors. It brings me back to when I was in my high school musical theater class. If you have the opportunity, do go see this with your parents, siblings, cousins, girlfriend, grandparents, anybody!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Muse at the Air Canada Centre
Milosz is a big fan and has been to their concerts before, so I was happy he asked me to go with him once his friend was unable to attend.
I made sure to text message my friend Tina before the show, who is also a big fan. She said the same thing as me, their new stuff isn't quite what it used to be, but it is still good.
Their opening band was this heavy rock band called Band of Skulls, who are from Ireland. Milosz and I came in the middle of their set, which isn't the kind of music I'd normally listen to. It was more of the thrash, rock genre; not my kind of music. They did well though for the ticket holders on the main floor. From my seat, I could tell they were having a lot of fun and enjoying the rock experience.
Since I am a sucker for classics, my favourite song was played during the encore part of their set. Before Muse returned to the stage, the audience knew what song they wanted to play. Everybody in the stadium turned their flashlights on their smart phones to make the whole stadium look like stars in the night sky. Yes, my favourite Muse song is, 'Starlight'. Definitely had a lot of fun last night =)