Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Flash 1.23 Fast Enough

The Flash 1.23 Fast Enough
This was truly a magnificent finale for a fantastic show! There's so much about this show I admire that I find myself not shutting up about it around my dad. He hasn't watched consistent episodes of the series and knows what's going on because I go non-stop about it.

I don't believe Eobard (such a weird name) is fully gone. I know the parallel of Eddie interrupting the timeline with his sacrifice probably means Eobard disappears for now. But Eddie got sucked into the wormhole on his own when all the other pieces of matter vanished as well.

Barry will probably find an answer in the wormhole or he will break another time barrier. I feel he's stronger than he was before, which means he's ready to conquer everything else. I'm actually really excited for Cisco holding a secret ability. I wonder how soon they'll allow him to use his abilities and if it will be shockwaves. It's good to know he too was affected by the particle accelerator but there has to be other meta-humans who haven't reacted as naturally as Barry has in the process.

Pretty bummed that Iris chooses Eddie after the fact he knows he can't be with her. It's a low blow, showing that she didn't pick him as her first choice but still keeps him hanging on to her. He only ever wanted to be a "hero" in all of this, but he isn't remembered publicly the way the Flash is.

It was so emotional having Barry travel back to the night his mother died. There were three Barry Allen's that night; young Barry, our present day Barry, and future Barry. Future Barry actually signalled to our Barry not to step in and save his mother. Let it be and leave the past the way it is. This means future Barry knew all along that another version of him was going to show up all along trying to save his mom. Maybe future Barry knows what life is with his mom alive? Future Barry could have been through numerous time barrier trips where he experienced all options and the first one was always the best way to become the Flash? There's so many possibilities and I see so much potential in this show!

It was heart wrenching to watch him let go of his mom. He held her and cried deeply with the intention of saving her (and his dad from jail) only to let her go and give her a final goodbye. It was appropriate to show this as a closed-case situation to the end of a season. If he ever entertains the idea of saving his mom and changing the past, we have the final answer right here.

There's one part at the very end I found interesting, which was Jay Garrick's helmet! I sense him coming into second season. Maybe he will fall through the wormhole and help Barry in Central City. I will miss this season, but I'm looking forward to what the writers can whip up.

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