Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Flash 1.22 Rogue Air

The Flash 1.22 Rogue Air
Never expected to be so relieved at seeing Iris on the scene. I like her (and Eddie) again now that the season is coming to a close come next week. Had she not showed up at S.T.A.R. Labs, I think Joe, Cisco and Caitlin could've been in serious danger. I'm also back to being alright with Eddie, seeing that at the end of the day he tells Iris that he can't lie to himself anymore. I find that very little of his decision had to do with the newspaper clipping. It was the tip of the iceberg, but Eddie even said so himself, "there are three people in this relationship." The good thing is they're not mad at Barry, but disappointed in themselves for not seeing things clearly.

I knew Leonard couldn't be trusted. Barry had his arm tied behind his back though since he needed help transporting the prisoners. I was hoping Oliver Queen would help transport the bodies on to the island, but it looks like he was used for the very end of the episode. I guess this means all the meta humans get a free pass for second season. Looks to be kind of a spoiler, but maybe Captain Cold Leonard returns with his sister once again.

Hooray for the Amell cousin cameos! This gets me excited for tomorrow's Arrow finale, this must mean Barry will have a cross over once more with Oliver. It was also nice to see Ronnie again. He looks like he's got better control of his fire powers now with the device on his chest.

Looking forward to next week's finale. The prisoner release was a let down for me, but at least Oliver and Ronnie were able to help Barry capture Wells. The reverse flash better not win this fight.

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