Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Arrow 3.21 Al Sah-Him

Arrow 3.21 Al Sah-Him
I knew that couldn't have been John Diggle in the beginning! Oliver's mind is getting sharper under his new training, but I don't know if the league be his new commitment. Crazy herbs, it's always the herbs that produce hallucinations!

Side note on Laurel's new super power. That was a pretty wicked black canary screech she had there. I didn't know that could be a super power, but it makes sense to have a collar with a deafening squawk (hence the name black canary).

Malcolm telling Thea, "What did you think he would be doing while joining the League of Assassins?" I was waiting for a response like braiding hair :P Thea is a fighter though, definitely knows what it's like to fight under somebody else's control. It's also useful that she's still well trained and can operate a bow and arrow well! She nearly saved everybody because she drew Oliver's blood first. I wonder if he will go after her int he future. It looks like she may be his weakness in this.

It was a big mistake for Oliver to take Lyla. He wanted Nyssa on the island, but now Ra's Al Ghul just made the worst arrangement ever. An arranged marriage between Nyssa and Oliver is pretty bizarre. I don't understand it, but I guess it will preserve the legacy and intertwine Nyssa's hand in producing a future heir to the League. The episode was quite slow for me this evening.

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